§ 21-4.1-2 - Definitions.
SECTION 21-4.1-2
§ 21-4.1-2 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless otherwise specified, the following words havethe following meaning:
(1) "Commission" means the Rhode Island milk commission.
(2) "Consumer" means any person other than a milk dealer whopurchases milk for fluid consumption.
(3) "Dealer" means any person who purchases or receives milkfrom a producer for the purpose of resale.
(4) "Department" means the department of health.
(5) "Director" means the director of health or his or herduly authorized agents.
(6) "Fluid milk products" or "Class 1 milk" means milk,skimmed milk, flavored milk or skimmed milk, cultured skimmed milk, buttermilk,filled milk, concentrated milk, and any mixture of milk or skimmed milk andcream containing less than ten percent (10%) butterfat. The term includes theseproducts in fluid, frozen, fortified, or reconstituted form but does notinclude sterilized products in hermetically sealed containers and such productsas eggnog, yogurt, whey, ice cream mix, ice milk mix, milk shake base mix,evaporated or condensed milk or skimmed milk (in either plain or sweetenedform), and any product that contains six percent (6%) or more non-milk fat (oroil). Fluid milk products that have been placed in containers for dispositionto retail or wholesale outlets are referred to as packaged fluid milk products.
(7) "Market" means any city, town or parts of a city or townof the state, or two (2) or more cities or towns or parts of cities or townsdesignated by the commission as a natural marketing area.
(8) "Person" means any individual, partnership, firm,corporation, association or other unit, and the state and all politicalsubdivisions or agencies of the state, except state owned and operatedinstitutions.
(9) "Producer" means a Rhode Island dairy farmer who producesmilk that is moved, other than in packaged form, from his or her farm to a poolplant or any other plant as diverted milk.