§ 21-31.1-11 - Inspections and samples.
SECTION 21-31.1-11
§ 21-31.1-11 Inspections and samples. For purposes of enforcement of this chapter authorized representatives of thedirector, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the owner, operator, oragent in charge, are authorized: (1) to enter, at reasonable times, anypremises in which veterinary drugs are held for distribution in the state ofRhode Island; (2) to inspect at reasonable times and within reasonable limitsin a reasonable manner, the premises and all pertinent records, equipment,materials, container, and facilities bearing on whether the veterinary drugsare in compliance with this chapter; and (3) to collect samples. No inspectionauthorized by this section shall extend to financial information, salesinformation (other than shipment information), pricing information, orpersonnel information (other than information as to qualifications of technicaland professional personnel performing functions subject to this chapter). Eachinspection shall be commenced and completed with reasonable promptness.