§ 21-28-5.11 - Suspension of license or registration of drug dependent persons.
SECTION 21-28-5.11
§ 21-28-5.11 Suspension of license orregistration of drug dependent persons. If any person licensed or registered to practice his or her profession, trade,occupation, or carry on his or her business shall at any time, after a fairhearing held upon reasonable notice, and upon the production of sufficientevidence, is found by the director of health to be a drug dependent person,then the director shall, within seven (7) days after the hearing, give noticein writing to the board, division, commission, officer, or officers issuing alicense to the practitioner or nurse, that the practitioner, or nurse is a drugdependent person, and the board, division, commission, officer, or officersempowered to issue the license or registration shall in regular course examinethe facts in the case and shall, in their judgment, suspend the license orregistration and shall immediately notify the director of health that thelicense or registration has been suspended, and the license or registrationshall remain suspended until the time as the director of health shall notifythe board, division, commission, officer, or officers empowered to issue thelicense or registration that in the opinion of the director of health theperson whose license or registration is suspended is no longer a drug dependentperson, and upon that notice the license or registration may be reissued by theboard, commission, officer, or officers empowered to issue the license orregistration.