§ 21-28.2-17 - Care, custody, and supervision of narcotic addicts.
SECTION 21-28.2-17
§ 21-28.2-17 Care, custody, andsupervision of narcotic addicts. – (a) The department shall establish regulations and standards for custody,release, aftercare, and aftercare supervision of narcotic addicts who have beencertified to its care and custody pursuant to any provision of this chapter.
(b) A person who has been certified to the care and custodyof the department pursuant to any provision of this chapter who, while confinedin any facility, escapes from the facility, or who either fails to report asrequired or who absconds from aftercare supervision shall be declareddelinquent by the department as of the date of escape, failure to report, orabscondence. The declaration of delinquency shall interrupt the period of thecommitment as of the date of delinquency and the interruption shall continueuntil the return of the person to the facility from which he or she escaped oruntil his or her return to the authorized supervision of the department.
(c) The department shall have the power to issue a warrantfor the arrest of a person declared delinquent by it. A warrant issued pursuantto this subsection shall be directed to any police officer in the state forexecution. The warrant shall constitute sufficient authority to hold intemporary custody the person retaken pursuant to it until the time as theperson can be returned to the department and no order of commitment shall benecessary for it.