§ 21-28.2-1 - Definitions.
SECTION 21-28.2-1
§ 21-28.2-1 Definitions. Unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms shall be construedin this chapter to have the following meanings:
(1) "Department" means the department of health.
(2) "Director" means the director of the department of health.
(3) "Narcotic addict" means a person who is at the time ofexamination dependent upon opium, heroin, morphine, or any derivative orsynthetic drug of that group or any other narcotic drug as defined in §21-28-1.02, or a depressant or stimulant substance, or who by reason of therepeated use of any such drug is in imminent danger of becoming dependent uponopium, heroin, morphine, or any derivative or synthetic drug of that group, orany other narcotic drug as defined in § 21-28-1.02; or any person who isor has been so far addicted to the use of narcotic drugs as to have lost thepower of self-control with reference to his or her addiction; provided, that noperson shall be deemed a narcotic addict solely by virtue of his or her takingof any of the drugs pursuant to a lawful prescription issued by a physician inthe course of professional treatment for legitimate medical purposes. For thepurpose of this section, "depressant or stimulant substance" means:
(i) A drug which contains any quantity of: (A) barbituricacid or any of the salts of barbituric acid; or (B) any derivative ofbarbituric acid which the director after investigation has found to be habitforming;
(ii) A drug which contains any quantity of: (A) amphetamineor any of its optical isomers; (B) any salt of amphetamine or any salt of anoptical isomer of amphetamine; or (C) any substance which the director, afterinvestigation, has found to be and by regulation designated as habit formingbecause of its stimulant effect on the central nervous system;
(iii) Lysergic acid diethylamide; or
(iv) Any drug which contains any quantity of a substancewhich the director, after investigation, has found to have and by regulationdesignated as having a potential for abuse because of its depressant orstimulant effect on the central nervous system or its hallucinogenic effect.
(4) "Police officer" means any municipal or state policeofficer or any employee of the department with police powers.