§ 21-28.1-3 - Composition of councils.
SECTION 21-28.1-3
§ 21-28.1-3 Composition of councils.– (a) Narcotic guidance councils shall consist of not less than three (3) normore than five (5) members who shall be appointed by the local city or towncouncils for a term not exceeding three (3) years and shall wheneverpracticable include at least one member of the clergy, one attorney and onephysician.
(b) The presiding officer or chairperson of the council shallbe designated by the local city or town council from among the members asappointed to the council. The local city or town council shall have authorityto remove any member of the council appointed for cause, after a publichearing, if requested. A vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term in thesame manner as an original appointment. The local city or town council mayprovide for compensation to be paid to the members of the council and is alsoempowered and authorized to make any appropriation for expenses incurred by thecouncil. The council may appoint any clerks and other employees as it mayrequire with the approval of the local city or town council. The services andexpenses of the council shall not exceed the appropriation that may be made forthem by the local city or town council.