§ 21-27-11.1 - Definitions applicable to §§ 21-27-11 21-27-11.13.
SECTION 21-27-11.1
§ 21-27-11.1 Definitions applicable to§§ 21-27-11 21-27-11.13. As used in §§ 21-27-11 21-27-11.13:
(1) "Bed and breakfast" establishment means an owner-occupiedresidence providing accommodations for a charge to the public in operation formore than ten (10) nights in a twelve (12) month period. Breakfast may beprovided only to guests. The total number of individuals served shall notexceed twelve (12), including the owner and any other individuals living oreating on the premises. Bed and breakfast establishments shall not includemotels, hotels, or boarding houses.
(2) "Director" refers to the director of the department ofhealth.
(3) "Division" means the division of food protection, thedepartment of health.
(4) "Employee" means any person who works with or without payin a food establishment.
(5) "Food establishment" means any place where food isprepared and intended for individual portion service, and includes the site atwhich individual portions are provided. The term includes any such placeregardless of whether consumption is on or off the premises and regardless ofwhether there is a charge for the food. The term includes, but is not limitedto, restaurants, caterers, nursing and retirement homes, hospitals, privateclubs, industrial cafeterias, public and private educational institutions, anddelicatessens in retail food stores that cook and offer prepared food inindividual service portions.
(6) "Full-time equivalent" means forty (40) hours a week.
(7) "Itinerant vendor" means a food vending business servingfood or drink from any establishment or conveyance without fixed locations andwithout connection to water supply and sewage disposal systems.
(8) "Manager certified in food safety" means a personcertified in this state in accordance with the requirements in this chapter.
(9) "Potentially hazardous foods" means any food or foodingredient, natural or synthetic in a form capable of supporting: (i) the rapidand progressive growth of infectious or toxigenic microorganisms, or (ii) theslower growth of Clostridium botulinum.