§ 21-23-1 - Bottlers' permits required for manufacture or sale.
SECTION 21-23-1
§ 21-23-1 Bottlers' permits required formanufacture or sale. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to manufacture orbottle for sale or to sell or offer for sale any carbonated or nonalcoholicbeverage, soda water, fruit juice, syrup, bottled drinking water either plainor carbonated, or any other so-called soft drink, without a permit from thedepartment of health. No carbonated or nonalcoholic beverage, soda water, fruitjuice, syrup, bottled drinking water either plain or carbonated, or any otherso-called soft drink, which has been manufactured outside of this state shallbe sold or offered for sale within this state unless the person, firm, orcorporation manufacturing or bottling it for sale shall hold a permit to do sofrom the department of health. The permit shall be known as a "bottlers'permit" and the person, firm, or corporation receiving the permit shall beknown as the "bottler".