§ 21-22-2 - Artificial coloring prohibited Acetic acid and vinegar solid requirements.
SECTION 21-22-2
§ 21-22-2 Artificial coloring prohibited Acetic acid and vinegar solid requirements. All vinegars shall be without artificial coloring matter, and shall contain notless than four grams (4 gs.) of acetic acid in one hundred grams (100 gs.) ofthe vinegar. Cider vinegar shall contain in addition to four grams (4 gs.) ofacetic acid not less than one and six-tenths grams (1.6 gs.) of cider vinegarsolids in one hundred grams (100 gs.) of the vinegar. If any vinegar containsany artificial coloring matter, or less than the amount of acidity required bythis section, or, in the case of a cider vinegar, if it contains less than theamount of acidity or cider vinegar solids required by this section, it shall bedeemed to be an adulteration within the meaning of this chapter.