§ 21-21-3 - Penalties for misrepresentation Confiscation Evidence Action on contract.
SECTION 21-21-3
§ 21-21-3 Penalties for misrepresentation Confiscation Evidence Action on contract. Every person, firm, or corporation who as principal or by servant or agentshall have in his or her or its possession or who shall pack, label, anddistribute to be sold or shall offer for sale any can, jar, package, or othercontainer which is stamped or labeled or which is caused to be stamped orlabeled as containing pure olive oil, which stamp or label falsely representsthe olive oil to be pure when it has been mixed or packed with cotton seed oilor other substance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for the first andsecond offense shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding two hundred dollars($200), and for the third and each subsequent offense shall be punished by afine of two hundred dollars ($200) or by imprisonment for thirty (30) days orby both fine and imprisonment, and the olive oil shall be confiscated and shallbecome the property of the state for final distribution; and on trial of theoffense proof of the possession, packing, labeling, or distributing to be soldor offering for sale, shall be evidence of knowledge of the character of thearticle possessed, packed, labeled, and distributed for sale or offered forsale and of knowledge that it was not pure olive oil as required by §21-21-2. No action shall be maintained in any court of this state to recover onany contract for packing, labeling, and distributing for sale of olive oil somisrepresented as being pure olive oil as required by this chapter.