§ 21-2-23 - Director empowered to make regulations.
SECTION 21-2-23
§ 21-2-23 Director empowered to makeregulations. (a) The director of health is authorized to promulgate any regulations that arenecessary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter, which shallinclude, but not be limited to, providing for: (1) standards of identity,labeling requirements, maintaining standards for milk and milk products sold oroffered for sale in final package forms; (2) standards for the production,transportation, receiving, handling, storage, processing, distributions, andsale of raw milk for pasteurization and products of raw milk, including allpertinent sanitary standards and uniform minimum requirement for inspection ofdairy farms, milk plants and receiving stations; and may in like manner amend,modify or repeal those rules and regulations which shall be consistent with theprovisions of the Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance 1978 recommendations ofthe U.S. Public Health Service/Food and Drug Administration, 1983 Revisions,which shall become upon the passage of this act the rules and regulations underthis chapter in accordance with § 21-2-2(10).
(b) The adoption and amendment of regulations in the futureshall be in accordance with chapter 35 of title 42; provided, that amendmentsto the Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk Ordinance adopted by the interstate milkshippers conference shall become a part of the regulations under this chapter.Provided, that a person adversely affected by any regulation may, within thirty(30) days, file with the director, in writing, those objections to a regulationautomatically adopted which stays the effect of the regulation. If nosubstantial objections are received and no hearing is requested within thirty(30) days after publication of a notice of the adoption of a regulation, itshall be effective as of the date it was adopted by the interstate milkshippers conference. When automatic adoption is stayed by a timely objection,the director, after notice, shall conduct a public hearing in accordance withthe provisions of chapter 35 of title 42. The director of health is authorizedto adopt any other regulations for milk and other related products that he orshe deems necessary in accordance with authority granted under this chapter,chapters 27 and 31 of this title and § 23-1-18(5).
(c) The director shall publish a notice of the adoption in anewspaper having general circulation throughout the state.