§ 21-2-12 - Revocation of permits.
SECTION 21-2-12
§ 21-2-12 Revocation of permits. In the event that any permittee shall be deemed by the director to haveviolated any of the provisions of this chapter, or of the regulationspromulgated under this chapter, or of the terms of § 21-4.1-6, he or shemay, in his or her discretion, initiate proceedings for the revocation of thepermit of the permittee. The director shall give the permittee twenty (20)days' written notice of a hearing at which the permittee shall be givenopportunity to show cause as to why his or her permit shall not be revoked. Thedirector may, at the hearing, have the assistance of counsel in ruling uponevidence and in connection with the conduct of the hearing, or, in thealternative, the hearing may be conducted by a subordinate designated by thedirector for that purpose, who shall take a written record of the proceedingsby a competent court stenographer, and the director may decide the issuesarising at the hearing upon the basis of the written record. Any decision onthe revocation of any permit shall be made by the director in writing by filinghis or her written decision containing his or her findings of fact andconclusions in his or her office and serving a copy by registered or certifiedmail of his or her decision in the matter on the permittee.