§ 21-16-1 - Violations or deception as to religious dietary laws by dealers in meats.
SECTION 21-16-1
§ 21-16-1 Violations or deception as toreligious dietary laws by dealers in meats. A person, firm, or corporation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor:
(1) Who shall knowingly sell or expose for sale any meat ormeat preparation, either raw or prepared for human consumption, and falselyrepresent it to be kosher or as having been prepared under the supervision of arabbi or as a product or products sanctioned by the traditional or orthodoxHebrew religious requirements and dietary laws;
(2) Who shall falsely represent any food product or thecontents of any package or container to be constituted and prepared, by havingor permitting to be inscribed on it the word "kosher" in any language;
(3) Who shall sell or expose for sale in the same place ofbusiness both kosher and non-kosher meat or meat preparation, either raw orprepared for human consumption, who fails to indicate on the window signs andall display advertising, in block letters at least four inches (4") in height,"kosher and non-kosher meat sold here";
(4) Who shall expose for sale in any show window or place ofbusiness both kosher and non-kosher meat or meat preparation, either raw orprepared for human consumption, who fails to display over each kind of meat ormeat preparation so exposed a sign in block letters at least four inches (4")in height reading "kosher meat" or "non-kosher meat," as the case may be;
(5) Who shall, while dealing or purporting to deal in koshermeat or meat preparations, prepare or handle or sell, or cause to be preparedor handled or sold, any food product which, when prepared or handled or soldtogether with kosher meat or meat preparation, constitutes a violation of thetraditional or orthodox Hebrew religious requirements and dietary laws, and bywhich renders the kosher meat or meat preparation non-kosher;
(6) Who shall in the preparation, handling, or sale of koshermeat or meat preparation fail to comply strictly with the religiousrequirements and dietary laws necessary to constitute the meat or meatpreparation genuinely kosher;
(7) Who shall, without complying with Hebrew religious ordietary laws, issue or maintain any sign or advertisement in any languagepurporting to represent that he or she sells or deals in kosher meat or meatpreparations; or
(8) Who shall display on his or her window, door, or in hisor her place of business, words or letters in the Hebrew language, or any sign,emblem, insignia, symbol, or mark in simulation of Hebrew words or letters, thedisplay of which might reasonably be calculated to deceive or lead a person tobelieve that a representation, express or implied, is being made that the meator meat preparation exposed for sale is kosher and in conformity with thetraditional or orthodox Hebrew religious requirements.