§ 20-9-1 - Assent to wildlife restoration projects.
SECTION 20-9-1
§ 20-9-1 Assent to wildlife restorationprojects. The state of Rhode Island assents to the provisions of the act of congressentitled "An Act to Provide that the United States Shall Aid the States inWildlife Restoration Projects, and for Other Purposes", 16 U.S.C. § 669 etseq., and the director of environmental management is authorized, empowered,and directed to perform those acts that may be necessary to the conduct andestablishment of cooperative wildlife restoration projects, as defined in thatact of congress, in compliance with that act and with rules and regulationspromulgated by the secretary of the interior under that act; and no fundsaccruing to the state of Rhode Island from license fees or interest fromlicense fee accounts paid by hunters shall be diverted for any other purposethan the administration of the division of fish and wildlife of the departmentof environmental management.