§ 20-7-7 - Suspension and revocation of licenses.
SECTION 20-7-7
§ 20-7-7 Suspension and revocation oflicenses. (a) If a person licensed under this chapter is convicted of any of thefollowing offenses, his or her license shall be suspended for the followingperiods:
(1) Possession of ten (10) or more undersize lobsters but notmore than nineteen (19) in violation of § 20-7-10, one month;
(2) Possession of twenty (20) or more undersize lobsters inviolation of § 20-7-10, one year;
(3) Possession of mutilated lobsters or lobster meat inviolation of § 20-7-14, one year;
(4) Possession of one or more brushed female berried lobstersin violation of § 20-7-10, one year;
(5) Possession of ten (10) or more egg-bearing femalelobsters in violation of § 20-7-10, one year;
(6) Unauthorized raising of another's lobster pots inviolation of § 20-4-8, one year;
(7) Use or possession of a lobster pot from which themarkings or branded numbers have been removed, altered or obliterated inviolation of § 20-7-12, one year; and
(8) Failure to file reports of lobsters taken as required by§ 20-7-9, one year.
(b) Any person whose license is so suspended shall not engagein the lobster fishery of this state during the specified period of suspension.Any person who is convicted of engaging in the lobster fishery during thespecified period of suspension shall be fined five thousand dollars ($5,000) orimprisoned for thirty (30) days, or both. The license of any person convicted asecond time of any of the offenses set forth in subsection (a) shall be revokedfor three (3) years and the person whose license is revoked shall not engage inthe lobster fishery of this state in any way while the revocation is in force,under a penalty of sixty (60) days' imprisonment or a fine of ten thousanddollars ($10,000), or both, for each offense.