§ 20-13-1 - License required Hunting on own land.
SECTION 20-13-1
§ 20-13-1 License required Huntingon own land. No person shall hunt, pursue, take, or kill any wild bird or mammal and anyvertebrates in this state, or attempt so to do, without having first obtained alicense; provided, that nothing in this chapter shall be construed as affectingthe right of a bona fide resident of this state or the resident's immediatefamily to hunt, without a license, on land owned by the resident, or landleased by the resident, and on which he or she is actually domiciled, and whichland is used exclusively for agricultural purposes, and not for club shootingpurposes, nor as affecting in any way the provisions of the laws relating totrespass, nor as authorizing the pursuit, taking, wounding, or killing, or thepossession, of wild birds or mammals and any vertebrates contrary to any lawsnow in force or which may be enacted.