§ 20-11-3 - Fishing devices allowed.
SECTION 20-11-3
§ 20-11-3 Fishing devices allowed. Unless otherwise specified by regulations adopted by the department ofenvironmental management, only a rod and reel or other device held in andoperated by hand shall be used to catch or attempt to catch fish in the freshwaters of the state, except that suckers, fall fish, and carp may be taken bysnares, spears, or bow and arrow, and minnows may be taken as provided in§§ 20-11-7 20-11-9. No person shall place, operate, orsuperintend more than two (2) of those devices for the purpose of taking orcatching fish at any time, and no more than three (3) hooks may be attached toeach device; provided, however, that for the purpose of fishing through iceupon the surface of any stream or freshwater pond any person may place,operate, or superintend five (5) lines with a single hook upon each and held byany device designed for that purpose and provided further that every one ofthose lines shall be attended by a person lawfully permitted to catch fish.