§ 20-10-6 - Leases.
SECTION 20-10-6
§ 20-10-6 Leases. (a) The CRMC, in accordance with chapter 6 of title 37, is authorized andempowered, when it shall serve the purposes of this chapter, to lease the landsubmerged under the coastal waters of the state, including any coastal ponds orestuaries to coastal rivers, and the water column above those submerged lands,to an applicant who has been granted an aquaculture permit pursuant to theprovisions of this chapter; provided, that the CRMC finds that a lease givingthe applicant exclusive use of the submerged lands, and water column, includingthe surface of the water, is necessary to the effective conduct of thepermitted aquaculture activities.
(b) Those leases shall be granted for a term concurrent withthe term of the aquaculture permit and may be renewed from time to time uponrenewal of the aquaculture permits.
(c) Those leases shall be subject to the terms and conditionsof the aquaculture permit, and any renewal of the permit, and the provisions ofthis chapter and the rules and regulations adopted under this chapter. Failureto comply with the terms and conditions of the permit or renewal, or theprovisions of this chapter or the rules and regulations adopted under thischapter, shall be grounds for termination of the lease at the discretion of theCRMC.
(d) Any assignment or sublease of the whole or any part ofthe area subject to lease shall constitute a breach of the lease and cause forthe termination of the lease, unless that assignment or subletting has receivedthe prior approval of the CRMC.