§ 20-10-3 - Authority to grant permits for aquaculture.
SECTION 20-10-3
§ 20-10-3 Authority to grant permits foraquaculture. The CRMC may grant permits for the conduct of aquaculture to any person,corporation or business entity, chartered under the laws of this state, subjectto the provisions of this chapter. Those permits for coastal waters shall befor a term not to exceed fifteen (15) years, and shall be renewable uponapplication by the permittee for successive periods of ten (10) years for eachrenewable period; provided, that the terms and conditions of the permit and ofany previous renewal and the rules and regulations promulgated by the CRMCpursuant to this chapter, have been met. Permits for land based aquacultureprojects shall be for a term to be designated by rules and regulations of theCRMC. All permits with their terms and stipulations presently in effect, as ofMay 15, 1980, under existing laws and regulations shall continue until theirexpiration.