§ 20-10-16 - Penalties.
SECTION 20-10-16
§ 20-10-16 Penalties. (a) Any person who conducts aquaculture activities in excess of thoseauthorized by an aquaculture permit shall be guilty of a misdemeanor andsubject to imprisonment not exceeding one year or a fine not exceeding onethousand dollars ($1,000), or both. In addition to that fine and/orimprisonment, all works, improvements, fish, and animal and plant life involvedin the project may be forfeited to the state.
(b) Any person damaging, disturbing, or interfering with anyarea subject to an aquaculture permit or any person damaging, disturbing,interfering, or taking by any means whatsoever, or possessing the cultivatedspecies in an area subject to an aquaculture permit, without the permission ofthe permittee, is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to imprisonment notexceeding one year or a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), orboth. In addition to that fine and/or imprisonment, all vessels, dredges,tongs, rakes, and other implements used to damage, disturb, interfere, or takecultivated species in those areas may be forfeited to the state.