§ 2-5-3 - Formulation of plans Purposes and contents.
§ 2-5-3 Formulation of plans Purposes and contents. The department is authorized, empowered, and directed to formulate and submitto the secretary of agriculture in conformity with the provisions of the soilconservation and domestic allotment act, a state plan. It shall be the purposeof each plan and each plan shall be designed to promote any utilization of landand any farming practices that the department finds will tend, in conjunctionwith the operation of any other plans that may be approved for other states bythe secretary of agriculture, to preserve and improve soil fertility; topromote the economic use and conservation of land; to diminish exploitation andwasteful and unscientific use of natural soil resources; to protect rivers andwaterways against the results of soil erosion and aid in flood control; and toperform any other functions as may be defined in subsection (a) of § 7 ofthe soil conservation and domestic allotment act, 16 U.S.C. § 590g. Eachplan shall provide for adjustments and utilization of land, and in farmingpractices through agreements with producers or through other voluntary methods,and for benefit payments in connection with these agreements or voluntarymethods, and for any reports the secretary of agriculture finds necessary forthe effective administration of the plan, and for ascertaining whether the planis being carried out according to its terms.