§ 2-4-3.1 - Rhode Island farm, forest and open space land value subcommittee.
SECTION 2-4-3.1
§ 2-4-3.1 Rhode Island farm, forest andopen space land value subcommittee. (a) There is hereby authorized, created and established the "Rhode Island Farm,Forest, and Open Space Land Value Subcommittee" (the subcommittee) to recommendthe methodology and values for the assessment of land for property taxation onthe basis of current use for farm, forest, and open space lands, as establishedby chapter 27 of title 44 and § 44-5-12. The values recommended by thesubcommittee, upon review and approval by the state conservation committee,shall be made available to local tax assessors and such value shall be therecommended maximum current use value per acre at which such landclassifications can be assessed.
(b) The subcommittee shall consist of the following twelve(12) members: the chair of the state conservation committee, or designee; three(3) local tax assessors appointed by the governor, with the advice and consentof the senate; the director of the department of administration, or designee,who shall be a subordinate within the department of administration; the chiefof the department of environmental management's division of agriculture, ordesignee, who shall be a subordinate within the division who shall serve as anonvoting ex officio member; the chief of the department of environmentalmanagement's division of forest environment, or designee, who shall be asubordinate within the division who shall serve as a nonvoting ex officiomember; the dean of the University of Rhode Island's College of NaturalResources, or designee, who shall be a subordinate within the college who shallserve as a nonvoting ex officio member; the executive director of the RhodeIsland League of Cities and Towns, or his or her designee, who shall serve as anonvoting member of the subcommittee; the chairperson of the Rhode IslandAgricultural Council, or his or her designee, who shall serve as a nonvotingmember of the subcommittee; and two (2) public members appointed by thegovernor with the advice and consent of the senate, one of whom shall be alandowner currently enrolled under the forest land provision of chapter 27 oftitle 44, one of whom shall be a member of a land trust. Each appointed memberof the subcommittee shall serve for a term of three (3) years, and shall serveuntil his or her successor has been appointed and qualified. Any vacancy whichmay occur in the subcommittee of the members appointed by the governor shall befilled by the governor for the remainder of the unexpired term in the samemanner as the predecessor as prescribed in this section. The members of thesubcommittee shall be eligible to succeed themselves. No one shall be eligiblefor appointment unless he or she is a resident of this state. Those members ofthe subcommittee as of the effective date of this act [April 20,2006] who were appointed by the speaker of the house and the president ofthe senate shall cease to be members of the subcommittee on the effective dateof this act [April 20, 2006], and the governor shall thereuponappoint four (4) members as prescribed in this section, each of whom shallserve for the balance of the unexpired term of his or her predecessor.
(c) The state conservation committee shall provide thesubcommittee's list of current use values for farm, forest, and open space landto each tax assessor, through the department of administration, on or beforeFebruary 15 of each year in which the subcommittee is required to determinesuch figures.
(d) The subcommittee shall abide by the rules governing thestate conservation committee, as provided in § 2-4-5. Five (5) votingmembers of the subcommittee shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of thosepresent shall be required for action.
(e) The subcommittee shall meet at the call of the chair. Allmeetings shall be held consistent with chapter 46 of title 42.
(f) The subcommittee shall conduct a training course fornewly appointed and qualified members and new designees of ex officio memberswithin six (6) months of their qualification or designation. The course shallbe developed by the chair of the subcommittee, approved by the subcommittee andconducted by the chair of the subcommittee. The subcommittee may approve theuse of any subcommittee or staff members or other individuals to assist withtraining. The training course shall include instruction in the following areas:chapters 44-27, 44-5, 2-4, 42-46, 36-14 and 38-2; and the subcommittee's rules.The director of the department of administration shall, within ninety (90) daysof the effective date of this act [April 20, 2006], prepare anddisseminate training materials relating to the provisions of chapters 42-46,36-14 and 38-2.