§ 2-4-3 - State conservation committee.
§ 2-4-3 State conservation committee. (a) There is established, within the department of environmental management toserve as an agency of the state and to perform the functions conferred upon itby this chapter, the state conservation committee. The following shall serve asmembers of the committee: the director of the department of environmentalmanagement, or his or her designee, and four (4) members of the publicappointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. At leastone member shall be appointed from each of the state's conservation districtsand, in making appointments under this section, the governor shall give dueconsideration to recommendations made by the state's conservation districtdirectors.
(b) Members of the committee as of the effective date of thisact [April 20, 2006] shall continue to serve for the balance of theircurrent terms. Thereafter, members shall be appointed to terms of three (3)years. Members shall hold office until a successor has been selected. Vacanciesshall be filled for any unexpired terms. The selection of successors to fill anunexpired term or for a full term shall be in the same manner in which therespective state committee member had been selected.
(c) [Deleted by P.L. 2006, ch. 22, § 1 and P.L.2006, ch. 27, § 1].
(d) Gubernatorial appointments made under this section afterthe effective date of this act [April 20, 2006] shall be subject tothe advice and consent of the senate. All persons appointed to the committeeafter the effective date of this act [April 20, 2006] shall beresidents of the state.
(e) The committee shall invite the director of thecooperative extension service and agricultural experiment station, chief of theoffice of state planning, director of transportation, the president of theRhode Island association of conservation districts, the state conservationistof the USDA soil conservation service, the state executive director of the USDAagricultural stabilization and conservation service, the chairperson of thewater resources board, and the executive director of the coastal resourcesmanagement council, and any other agency representatives necessary to carry outthe intent of this chapter to serve as advisors to the state committee.
(f) The committee shall keep a record of its officialactions, and may perform any acts, hold any public hearings, and promulgate anyrules and regulations that may be necessary for the execution of its functionsunder this chapter.
(g) The director of the department of environmentalmanagement shall direct staff to support the committee within the constraintsof available resources.