§ 2-12-7 - Exemption of attended fires.
SECTION 2-12-7
§ 2-12-7 Exemption of attended fires. The provisions of § 2-12-6 do not apply to fires set or maintained inaccordance with regulations approved by the director of the department ofenvironmental management or his or her duly authorized representative, or toany act that may be done under authority given to any incorporated firedistrict or under the supervision of a fire chief or senior officer in whichcase the person requesting supervision shall pay for the actual time requiredfor the supervision, to the city or town fire chief or senior officer, theprevailing rate per hour customarily paid to supervisory employees onconstruction work in the area or to burning in attended incinerators,fireplaces or rubbish burners, provided that time of burning and location ofthe incinerator, fireplace or rubbish burner is such that fires from anyincinerator, fireplace or rubbish burner will not endanger any forest andpasture, brush, sprout, waste or cutover woodland or buildings. The provisionsof § 2-12-6 shall not apply to fire chiefs and senior officers, thedirector of environmental management or any member of the department ofenvironmental management authorized by him or her, when engaged in thedischarge of their duties under this chapter, or to any incorporated volunteerfire company authorized in writing by the director of environmental managementwhile engaged in prevention burning. Whoever sets or maintains any attendedfire shall totally extinguish the attended fire before leaving it and failureto do so shall make the person, upon conviction, liable to a fine not exceedingone hundred dollars ($100) or less than ten dollars ($10.00) or to imprisonmentnot exceeding thirty (30) days nor less than ten (10) days or both, and furtherthey shall be liable in a civil action for the payment to the state or firecompany for the expenses incurred by the fire chief or senior officer or anyother authorized forest fire official in attending or suppressing fire or firesas result from that burning.