§ 2-12-6 - Restrictions on open air fires.
SECTION 2-12-6
§ 2-12-6 Restrictions on open air fires. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, no person shall burn anyflammable material on or adjacent to forest land without a written permit fromthe director of the department of environmental management or, his or herauthorized representative, on forms prepared and under rules and regulationsapproved by the director, provided whoever sets or maintains a permit fireshall totally extinguish the permit fire before leaving it and the director, orhis or her authorized representative, may cancel or suspend any or all permits,if, in his or her opinion, public necessity requires it. Any person doing anyburning on or adjacent to forest land prior to burning operations, and at alltimes during the continuance of these operations, shall do that work in andaround the area in which the burning is done as may be required by the directorby rules and regulations promulgated under the authority granted in §2-12-5. Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction,be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) nor less than tendollars ($10.00) or to imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days nor lessthan ten (10) days or both.