§ 2-1-8 - Marketing functions of director.
§ 2-1-8 Marketing functions of director.– The director of environmental management is vested with authority as follows:
(1) To collect and diffuse timely information relative to theseasonal supply, demand and prevailing prices of farm products, both atwholesale and retail, the movement of farm products through commercialchannels, and the quantities and conditions of farm products in dry and coldstorage.
(2) To assist and advise in the organization and maintenanceof producers' and consumers' cooperative selling and buying associations.
(3) To investigate the cost of distributing farm products,both at wholesale and retail, and to publish these findings that may be ofpractical interest to the public.
(4) To furnish advice and assistance to the public withreference to buying of farm products and other matters relative to farmproducts.
(5) To take those lawful measures that may be deemedadvisable to prevent waste or uneconomical use of farm products.
(6) To co-operate with various state and federal agencieshaving to do with farm products.