§ 19-5-11 - Duplication of office prohibited Oaths of office Record of qualification.
SECTION 19-5-11
§ 19-5-11 Duplication of office prohibited Oaths of office Record of qualification. (a) No member of the board of directors, credit committee, supervisorycommittee, or committees appointed by the board of directors shall serve at thesame time as an official in any position of another unaffiliated credit unionwhich is under the supervision of the director. No member of the board ofdirectors shall be a member of either the supervisory committee or the creditcommittee, nor shall one person be a member of more than one of thosecommittees, and all members of those committees, as well as all officers whomthey may elect, shall be sworn and shall hold their offices until others areelected and qualified in their place; and a record of every qualification shallbe filed and preserved with the records of the credit union.
(b) Every director, credit committee member, and supervisorycommittee member, when appointed or elected, shall take an oath that he or shewill, so far as the duty devolves on him or her, diligently and honestlyadminister the affairs of the credit union, and will not knowingly violate, orwillingly permit to be violated, any of the provisions of this title. This oathshall be immediately transmitted to the director or the director's designee,and shall be filed and preserved in the director's office.