§ 19-28.1-27 - Rules, orders, forms and interpretive opinions.
SECTION 19-28.1-27
§ 19-28.1-27 Rules, orders, forms andinterpretive opinions. (a) The director may promulgate rules, forms, and orders necessary orappropriate to administer this act and may define terms, whether or not used inthis act. The director may classify franchises, persons and matters within thedirector's jurisdiction and prescribe different rules for different classes.The act imposes no liability for an act or omission done in good faith inconformity with an order or rule of the director.
(b) No rule, order or form may be made unless the directorfinds that the action is necessary or appropriate in the public interest or forthe protection of franchisees and consistent with the purposes fairly intendedby the policy and provisions of the act.
(c) The director may honor requests from interested personsfor interpretive opinions or may issue determinations that the director willnot institute enforcement proceedings against a person for engaging in certainspecified activities where the determination is consistent with purposes fairlyintended by the policy and provisions of the act.