§ 19-28.1-20 - Criminal prosecution.
SECTION 19-28.1-20
§ 19-28.1-20 Criminal prosecution. (a) The director may refer any evidence that is available concerning anyviolation of this act or any rule or order made under this act to the attorneygeneral who may with or without this reference, institute appropriate criminalproceedings under the act.
(b) A person who willfully violates any provision of thisact, or any rule under this act or any order of which the person has notice,commits a felony and upon conviction is subject to the punishment provided bylaw.
(c) A prosecution for a violation under this act must becommenced within four (4) years after the commission of the violation. Nothingin this act limits the power of the state to punish a person for conduct whichconstitutes a crime under another statute.