§ 19-26-6 - Articles appearing to have been stolen.
SECTION 19-26-6
§ 19-26-6 Articles appearing to have beenstolen. If it appears to any of the officers specified in § 19-26-5 that anyarticle or articles which have been pawned have been stolen, the officer maygive notice in writing to the pawnbroker to hold the article or articles, andthe pawnbroker shall thereafter hold the article or articles for sixty (60)days, unless the notice is recalled in writing by the officer giving it. Thearticle or articles shall be subject to inspection of the officer and anyperson with the officer at all reasonable times, and the article or articlesshall be produced on notice or summons before any court or grand jury if thequestion of the larceny of the article or articles is under investigation. Thepawnbroker shall not be liable in damages or otherwise on account of thedetention. Any person who willfully hinders, obstructs, or prevents the officerfrom inspecting the article or articles, or violates any provision of thissection, shall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), or beimprisoned not exceeding six (6) months.