§ 19-26-12 - Acceptance of pawns from incompetents, wastrels, or thieves.
SECTION 19-26-12
§ 19-26-12 Acceptance of pawns fromincompetents, wastrels, or thieves. (a) No pawnbroker shall receive in pledge or mortgage or by way of sale, eitherabsolutely or with an agreement to sell back, any goods, note, bill, check,assignment or order for money or other property, or any article, thing, orproperty of any description, from any person, after receiving from any one ofthe officers mentioned in § 19-26-5, or the parent or guardian of anyminor or person of unsound mind, written notice that the person is a minor oris of unsound mind; or neglects all lawful business; or habitually frequentshouses of ill fame, gaming houses, or tippling houses; or by drinking, gaming,idleness, or debauchery of any kind squanders his or her earnings or wastes hisor her estate; or is likely to bring self or family to want or to render selfor family a public charge; or is a known thief or suspected of thievery.
(b) No pawnbroker shall knowingly receive any pawn from anyperson under eighteen (18) years of age, or from any person in a visible stateof intoxication from liquors, drugs, or narcotics.
(c) Any pawnbroker violating any provision of this sectionshall be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), and the pawnbroker'slicense shall become void.