§ 19-2-8 - Certificate of secretary of state.
SECTION 19-2-8
§ 19-2-8 Certificate of secretary ofstate. The secretary of state shall, upon the filing of certificates, as provided in§ 19-2-7, and upon the payment of ten dollars ($10.00), record thecertificate and issue to the financial institution a certificate, under theseal of the state, substantially in the following form:
BE IT KNOWN THAT WHEREAS (the names of the subscribers to theagreement to form) have associated themselves for the purpose of forming afinancial institution under the name of (the name of the financialinstitution), for the purpose (the purpose declared in the agreement to form),with capital stock of (if applicable, the amount fixed in the agreement toform), and have complied with the provisions of the statutes of this state inthe case made and provided, as appears from the certificate of the financialinstitution, duly approved by the director or the director's designee andrecorded in this office:
NOW, THEREFORE, I (the name of the secretary), secretary ofstate of the state of Rhode Island, do hereby certify that (the names of thesubscribers to the agreement to form), their associates and successors, arelegally organized and established as an existing financial institution, underthe name of (name of the financial institution), with the powers, rights, andprivileges, and subject to the liabilities, duties, and restrictions, imposedby law.
WITNESS my official signature subscribed hereunto subscribed,and the seal of the state of Rhode Island hereunto affixed, this . . . day of . . . in theyear . . . .