§ 19-14-7 - Issuance or denial of license.
SECTION 19-14-7
§ 19-14-7 Issuance or denial of license. (a) Upon the filing of a completed application, the payment of fees and theapproval of the bond, the director or the director's designee shall commence aninvestigation of the applicant. The director or the director's designee shallapprove the license applied for in accordance with the provisions of thischapter if he or she shall find:
(1) That the financial responsibility, experience, character,and general fitness of the applicant, and of the applicant's members and of theapplicant's officers, including the designated manager of record of a licensedlocation, if the applicant is a partnership, limited liability company orassociation, or of the officers including the designated manager of record of alicensed location, and directors and the principal owner or owners of theissued and outstanding capital stock, if the applicant is a corporation, aresuch as to command the confidence of the community and to warrant belief thatthe business will be operated honestly, fairly, and efficiently within thepurposes of this title; and
(2) That allowing the applicant to engage in business willpromote the convenience and advantage of the community in which the business ofthe applicant is to be conducted.
(b) A license provided pursuant to this title shall remain infull force and effect until it is surrendered by the licensee or revoked orsuspended as provided by law.
(c) If the director or the director's designee rejects anapplication for a license, he or she shall notify the applicant, by certifiedmail, of the denial, the reason(s) supporting the denial and shall afford theapplicant the opportunity for a hearing within a reasonable time period to showcause why the license should not be denied. When an application for a licenseis denied by the director or the director's designee or withdrawn by theapplicant, the director or the director's designee shall return to theapplicant the bond, but shall retain the investigation fee to cover the costsof investigating the application. The director or the director's designee shallapprove or deny every application for license under this section within sixty(60) days from the date the application is deemed by the director or thedirector's designee to be completed. Upon written request of the applicant, thedirector or the director's designee shall advise the applicant whether theapplicant's application for any such license is complete and if not, the reasonwhy such application is not complete.
(d) Any applicant or licensee aggrieved by the action of thedirector or the director's designee in denying a completed application for alicense shall have the right to appeal the action, order, or decision pursuantto chapter 35 of title 42.