§ 19-14-16 - Surrender of license.
SECTION 19-14-16
§ 19-14-16 Surrender of license. Any licensee may surrender any license or branch certificate(s) by deliveringto the director or the director's designee written notice surrendering thelicense or branch certificate(s). The surrender shall not affect the licensee'scivil or criminal liability for acts committed prior to the surrender. Writtennotice of any surrender must be filed with the director or the director'sdesignee within thirty (30) days of the termination of the business authorizedby this chapter at the surrendered location. The surrender of any license doesnot affect the licensee's requirement to file an annual report with thefifty-five dollars ($55.00) filing fee. This report shall be filed withinthirty (30) days of the surrender of the license. The licensee shall givewritten notification to the director or the director's designee withintwenty-four (24) hours from termination of business.