§ 18-9-12 - Privilege against self-incrimination unavailable – Immunity from prosecution.

SECTION 18-9-12

   § 18-9-12  Privilege againstself-incrimination unavailable – Immunity from prosecution. – No person shall be excused from testifying or from producing any book or paperin any investigation or inquiry by or upon any hearing before the attorneygeneral, when ordered to do so by the attorney general, upon the ground thatthe testimony, or evidence of the book or document, required of that person maytend to incriminate that person or subject that person to a penalty orforfeiture; but no person shall be prosecuted, punished, or subjected to anypenalty or forfeiture for or on account of any act, transaction, matter, orthing concerning which, after claiming this privilege, the person, by order ofthe attorney general, has testified under oath or produced documentary evidence.