§ 18-7-15 - Use of custodial property.
SECTION 18-7-15
§ 18-7-15 Use of custodial property. (a) A custodian may deliver or pay to the minor or expend for the minor'sbenefit as much of the custodial property as the custodian considers advisablefor the use and benefit of the minor, without court order and without regard to:
(1) The duty or ability of the custodian personally or of anyother person to support the minor; or
(2) Any other income or property of the minor that may beapplicable or available for that purpose.
(b) On petition of an interested person, or the minor if theminor has attained the age of fourteen (14) years, the court may order thecustodian to deliver or pay to the minor or expend for the minor's benefit asmuch of the custodial property as the court considers advisable for the use andbenefit of the minor.
(c) A delivery, payment, or expenditure under this section isin addition to, but not in substitution for, and does not affect, anyobligation of a person to support the minor.