§ 18-3-7 - Judicial approval of delegation.
SECTION 18-3-7
§ 18-3-7 Judicial approval of delegation. (a) No delegation of any functions pursuant to the authority of § 18-3-3shall become effective until the delegation has been authorized or approved, ifthe delegation is by a trustee, by the superior court of this state for thecounty within which the power of attorney may be recorded, or if the delegationis by a personal representative, by the probate court of the city or town inwhich the power of attorney may be recorded.
(b) The superior court and the several probate courts areauthorized and empowered to approve or disapprove any delegation in theirdiscretion, upon petition of the donor or donee thereof ex parte and withoutnotice, or upon any reasonable notice that the court shall direct.
(c) A copy of any order granting the approval, certified bythe clerk of the court granting the approval, shall be conclusive evidence infavor of a person dealing with the donee of the power of attorney that thepower of attorney was validly given pursuant to this section and was operativeand effective as of the date of the order.