§ 18-16-10 - Benefits from military service.
SECTION 18-16-10
§ 18-16-10 Benefits from military service. (a) In a statutory short form of power of attorney, the language conferringgeneral authority with respect to benefits from military service shall beconstrued to mean that the principal authorizes the agent:
(1) To execute vouchers in the name of the principal for anyallowances and reimbursements payable by the United States, or by any state orsubdivision of it, to the principal, including, but not limited to, allallowances and reimbursements for transportation of the principal and of his orher dependents, and for shipment of household effects; to receive, endorse andcollect the proceeds of any check payable to the order of the principal drawnof the treasurer or other fiscal officer or depository of the United States orof any state or subdivision thereof;
(2) To take possession and order the removal and shipment ofany property of the principal from any post, warehouse, depot, dock or otherplace of storage or safekeeping, either governmental or private; to execute anddeliver any release, voucher, receipt, bill of lading, shipping ticket,certificate or other instrument which the agent deems to be desirable ornecessary for this purpose;
(3) To prepare, file, and prosecute the claim of theprincipal to any benefit or assistance, financial or otherwise, to which theprincipal is, or claims to be entitled, under the provisions of any statute orregulation existing at the creation of the agency or thereafter enacted by theUnited States or by any state or by any subdivision of it, or any foreigngovernment, which benefit or assistance arises from or is based upon militaryservice performed prior to or after the creation of the agency by the principalor by any person related by blood or by marriage to the principal; to executeany receipt or other instrument which the agent deems desirable or necessaryfor the enforcement or for the collection of the claim;
(4) To receive the financial proceeds of any claim of thetype described in this section; to conserve, invest, disburse or utilize anyproceeds received for purposes enumerated in this section, and to be reimbursedfor any expenditures properly made by him or her in the execution of the powersconferred on him or her by the statutory short form of power of attorney;
(5) To prosecute, defend, submit to arbitration, settle, andpropose or accept a compromise with respect to, any claim existing in favor of,or against, the principal based on or involving any benefits from militaryservice, or to intervene in any action or proceeding relating thereto;
(6) To hire, discharge and compensate any attorney,accountant, expert witness, or other assistant or assistants when the agentdeems this action to be desirable for the proper execution by him or her of anyof the powers described in this section; and
(7) In general, and in addition to all the specific actsenumerated in this section, to do any other act or acts, which the principalcan do through an agent, and which the agent deems desirable or necessary, toassure to the principal, and to the dependents of the principal, the maximumpossible benefit from the military service performed prior to or after thecreation of the agency by the principal or by any person related by blood ormarriage to the principal.
(b) All powers described in this section shall be equallyexercisable with respect to any benefits from military service existing at thegiving of the power of attorney or thereafter accruing, whether accruing in thestate of Rhode Island or elsewhere.