§ 17-9.1-31 - Voter registration advisory board.

SECTION 17-9.1-31

   § 17-9.1-31  Voter registration advisoryboard. – (a) The state board of elections shall establish a voter registration advisoryboard, subsequently referred to as the advisory board, to assist in thedrafting of regulations and the monitoring of implementation of the NationalVoter Registration Act of 1993, 42 U.S.C. § 1973gg et seq., and to helprecruit and train the volunteer registrars. The advisory board shall issue anannual report to the state board, governor, and general assembly on itsactivities.

   (b) The advisory board shall consist of eighteen (18)members. The governor shall appoint one member from the League of Women Voters,one member of the Urban League, one member of Common Cause, one member of OceanState Action, one member of the National Association for the Advancement ofColored People, one member of the R.I. Black Caucus of State Legislators, andone representative of a state employees' union. The speaker of the house shallappoint two (2) members, not more than one from the majority party. Thepresident of the senate shall appoint two (2) members, not more than one fromthe majority party. In addition, the following shall be members: the secretaryof state or her or his designee; the directors or their designees of thedivision of motor vehicles, the department of human services, the department ofhealth, and the department of mental health, retardation, and hospitals; andthe chairpersons or their designees of the governor's commission ondisabilities and the governor's commission on Hispanic affairs. The membersshall annually elect a chairperson and other officers as are necessary.

   (c) Of the number of members originally appointed under thissection, one-third ( 1/3) shall be appointed for a term of one year to bechosen by lot; one-third ( 1/3) shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years,to be chosen by lot; and one-third ( 1/3) shall be appointed for a term ofthree (3) years, to be chosen by lot. Thereafter, vacancies created byexpiration of terms shall be filled with appointments for terms of three (3)years. Members whose terms expire may be reappointed to succeed themselves. Themembers of the advisory board shall receive no compensation for their services,but may, at the discretion of the governor, be reimbursed for traveling andother expenses actually incurred in the performance of their official duties.