§ 17-9.1-24 - Change of designation.
SECTION 17-9.1-24
§ 17-9.1-24 Change of designation. (a) Any person who has designated his or her party affiliation pursuant to§ 17-9.1-23 may change the designation on or before the ninetieth (90th)day preceding any primary election for which the person is eligible. Wheneverany person desires to change his or her party designation, that person shallappear before the local board of the city or town in which that person has hisor her residence, as defined in § 17-1-3.1, or before the clerk or otherduly authorized agent of the board, and shall change his or her partydesignation and, after the information has been recorded on the form furnishedfor that purpose, the person shall sign his or her name and certify to thetruth of the facts recorded in the appropriate spaces in the form; or theperson shall furnish an affidavit properly executed and signed by him or her tothe board directing the board to change the party designation. Whenever anyperson is unable to sign his or her name because of physical incapacity orotherwise, that person shall make his or her mark "(X)", which shall bewitnessed by the person receiving the registration. For the convenience ofpersons voting at a primary election, affidavits for changing party designationshall be available at all primary polling places. The presence of theaffidavits at the primary polling place shall not be construed to allow aperson to change his or her party designation within ninety (90) days precedingthe primary election.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of thissection, affidavits for changing party designation which are executed by votersat polling places immediately after voting in primary elections conducted inthe city of Warwick in January, 2000, shall take effect immediately.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of thissection, affidavits for changing party designation which are executed by votersat polling places immediately after voting in primary elections conducted insenate district 20 comprising parts of the city of Woonsocket and town ofCumberland in March, 2008, shall take effect immediately.