§ 17-9.1-19 - Single registration.
SECTION 17-9.1-19
§ 17-9.1-19 Single registration. (a) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require any voter toreregister if he or she is already registered in the city or town in which thevoter has his or her residence, as defined in § 17-1-3.1. A voter shallhave no more than one voter registration. Any voter who is registered more thanonce shall be deemed to have authorized the cancellation of all registrationsother than the most recent, provided that nothing in this section shall betaken to validate any registration which is not a city or town where the voterhas his or her residence.
(b) The local board of canvassers of each city or town shallreview their voter registration files on a quarterly basis in accordance withregulations adopted by the secretary of state for the purpose of removingduplicate voter registrations in the central voter registration system for anyvoter registered in their city or town.