§ 17-5-3 - Publication of questions to be submitted to voters.
SECTION 17-5-3
§ 17-5-3 Publication of questions to besubmitted to voters. – (a) Prior to each general election at which public questions are to besubmitted, the secretary of state shall cause to be printed and shall send onecopy of the full text of each legislative act to be acted upon and applicableto the state at large, or the secretary of state may substitute a descriptionof the text of each act in lieu of the full text, to each residential unit inRhode Island together with the following information:
(1) The designated number of the question;
(2) A brief caption of the question;
(3) A brief explanation of the measure that is the subjectmatter of the question; and
(4) A notice that voter fraud is a felony and the penalty forvoter fraud. This notice shall be in conspicuous lettering and shall containthe following language: "You must be registered to vote from your actual placeof residence."
(b) If the public question involves the issuance of bonds orother evidence of indebtedness or any other long term financial obligation suchas a lease, the notice required by subsection (a) of this section shall alsoinclude at least the following information to be provided by the agency ordepartment for which the bonds or other evidence of indebtedness or any otherlong term financial obligation is intended:
(1) The estimated total cost of the project or program,including financing (using a reasonable assumed rate of interest), legal, andother costs.
(2) The estimated useful life of the project, and the term ofthe bonds, other indebtedness, or other obligation.
(3) A reasonably detailed description of the project orprogram, its purposes, and a project timetable.