§ 17-5-1.1 - Special referenda elections.

SECTION 17-5-1.1

   § 17-5-1.1  Special referenda elections.– Any proposition of amendment of the Constitution or any other public questionsubmitted to the electors of the state at any election not a general electionpursuant to § 17-1-2(2) shall be voted upon at town, ward, and districtmeetings, in accordance with the following procedure:

   (1) When an act of the general assembly is passed authorizingthe submission of a question to all of the electors of the state, the secretaryof state is authorized to rephrase the question to appear on the ballot in amanner that would clearly apprise the voters of the question to be voted uponand to cause the ballot to contain a concise caption of the question, and thefull text of the question as adopted by the general assembly need not appear onthe ballot except for proposed amendments to the Constitution of the state ofRhode Island. The secretary of state shall cause each question appearing on theballot prepared by him or her to be designated by number, the first question tobe designated by the numeral I and additional questions shall follow numberedso that all questions submitted to all the electors of the state and appearingupon the ballot are numbered consecutively; provided that local questions shallbe printed on a distinctive colored background.

   (2) Prior to the election at which public questions are to besubmitted, the secretary of state shall cause to be printed and shall send onecopy of the full text of each legislative act to be acted upon and applicableto the state at large, or the secretary of state may substitute a descriptionof the text of each act in lieu of the full text, to each residential unit inRhode Island together with the following information:

   (i) The designated number of the question appearing on theballot;

   (ii) A brief caption of the question appearing on the ballot;and

   (iii) A brief explanation of the measure being the subjectmatter of the question.

   (3) Voting on a proposition of amendment of the Constitutionor of a public question of statewide impact shall be by means of optical scanvoting equipment and computer ballots authorized pursuant to this title.