§ 17-3-3 - Adjourned elections on failure to elect.
SECTION 17-3-3
§ 17-3-3 Adjourned elections on failure toelect. If it appears by the count of the state board that no election has been made ofany one or more of the senators or representatives in the general assembly, atany election held for those officers, the board shall, immediately after thecount, notify the secretary of state of the failure to elect; the secretary ofstate shall, immediately after the notification, direct the local boards in thesenatorial or representative districts to issue their warrants to themoderators of the district, districts, or voting districts, as the case may be,directing the election to proceed on the tenth (10th) day from the date of thewarrant, unless the day is a legal holiday, in which case the secretary ofstate shall direct the election to proceed on the next day after the tenth(10th) day not a legal holiday, for the officer or officers for which there wasno choice, which warrant shall be served on the day of its issue by the severalcity or town sergeants or constables; provided, there shall be no election heldon Saturday, and if the tenth (10th) day falls on Saturday, the election shallproceed on the Monday next following, unless that Monday is a legal orreligious holiday, in which case the election shall proceed on the nextfollowing day which is not a legal or religious holiday.