§ 17-25-8 - Appointment of campaign treasurer by candidate Filings.
SECTION 17-25-8
§ 17-25-8 Appointment of campaigntreasurer by candidate Filings. (a) Each candidate in an election shall file a "notice of organization" withthe board of elections and appoint one campaign treasurer before receiving anycontribution or expending any money in furtherance or aid of the candidate'scandidacy. The "notice of organization" shall include the name and address ofthe candidate, the campaign treasurer and the committee being established.
(b) A candidate may appoint deputy campaign treasurers asrequired. The candidate shall file the names and addresses of deputy campaigntreasurers with the board of elections.
(c) A candidate may remove a campaign treasurer or deputycampaign treasurer. In the case of the death, resignation, or removal of acampaign treasurer, the candidate shall appoint a successor as soon aspracticable and shall file his or her name and address with the board ofelections within ten (10) days. A candidate may serve as his or her owncampaign treasurer, and upon failure to designate a treasurer, the candidateshall be designated his or her own treasurer by the board of elections.