§ 17-25.2-9 - Penalties for violation.
SECTION 17-25.2-9
§ 17-25.2-9 Penalties for violation. (a) Whenever the board of elections has reason to believe that aballot-question advocate willfully and knowingly made a false statement in anyreport required under this chapter or failed to file any report, or hasotherwise violated this chapter, the board of elections may, in addition to allother actions authorized by law, request the attorney general to bring anaction in the name of the state of Rhode Island in the superior court againstthe person signing any such report and/or organization to enjoin them fromcontinuing the violation, or doing any acts in furtherance of the violation,and for any other relief the court deems appropriate. In addition, the courtmay order the forfeiture of any and all contributions not reported in violationof this chapter.
(b) The court may also impose a civil penalty for anyviolation of this chapter up to but not exceeding three (3) times the amount of:
(1) Contributions and/or expenditures made or accepted inviolation of this chapter; and/or
(2) Contributions or expenditures not reported as required bythis chapter.
(c) All funds collected pursuant to this section shall bedeposited in the fund established by the state for public information andeducation regarding the election process.