§ 17-25.2-6 - Monies not expended on ballot measure.
SECTION 17-25.2-6
§ 17-25.2-6 Monies not expended on ballotmeasure. (a) At the time of the filing of the final report required by subsection17-25.2-5(c), any contributions received for ballot question advocacy andremaining with a ballot question advocate that exceed one thousand dollars($1,000) and have not been expended shall be disbursed in one or more of thefollowing four (4) manners:
(1) Transferal in whole or in part into another ballotquestion advocate account which has a purpose related to or consistent withthat of the donating ballot question advocate;
(2) Donations to or retention by a nonprofit organizationrecognized under § 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 U.S.C.§ 501, or any subsequent corresponding internal revenue code of the UnitedStates as from time to time amended;
(3) Donations to the state of Rhode Island; or
(4) Refund to the donor.
(b) The ballot question advocate must annually report to theboard of elections by June 30 of the calendar year any such remainingcontributions and shall report distributions of any such remainingcontributions within thirty (30) days of such distributions.