§ 17-25.2-5 - Reporting by ballot question advocates.
SECTION 17-25.2-5
§ 17-25.2-5 Reporting by ballot questionadvocates. (a) Every ballot-question advocate shall file periodic reports signed by anindividual responsible for its contents on a form prescribed by the board ofelections setting forth the name and address of the ballot-question advocate,including any other name under which the ballot-question advocate conductsballot-question advocacy, the name and address of the person filing the report;and
(1) The name, address and, if applicable, the place ofemployment of each person making a contribution or contributions that in theaggregate exceed one thousand-eight hundred dollars ($1,800) per election cycleto a ballot-question advocate for purposes of ballot question advocacy and theamount contributed by each person or source; provided, however, thisinformation shall be reported only if:
(i) The contributions received by a ballot-question advocateare solicited in any way, including by written, electronic, or verbal means, bythe ballot-question advocate specifically for ballot-question advocacy; or
(ii) The contributions were specifically designated by thecontributor for ballot-question advocacy; or
(iii) The ballot question advocate knew or had reason to knowthat the contributor intended or expected that the majority of thecontributions be used for ballot question advocacy; and
(2) The name and address of every person or entity receivingan expenditure for ballot-question advocacy, which in the aggregate exceeds onehundred dollars ($100), the amount of each expenditure for ballot-questionadvocacy, and the total amount of expenditures for ballot-question advocacymade by the ballot-question advocate as of the last report date; and
(3) A statement of the position of the ballot-questionadvocate in support of or opposition to the ballot-question; and
(4) The names and addresses of all identified members orendorsing organizations, corporations, and/or associations that authorize theballot-question advocate to represent to the public that they support thepositions of the ballot-question advocate; and
(5) The name and address of at least one of the officers ofthe ballot question advocate, if any, or one individual that is responsible forthe ballot question advocate's compliance with the provisions of this chapter.
(b) The first report must be filed by a ballot-questionadvocate for the period beginning when the ballot-question advocate expends acumulative total that exceeds one thousand dollars ($1,000) for ballot-questionadvocacy and ending the last day of the first full month following such date,to be filed with the board of elections due no later than seven (7) days afterthe end of the month. A ballot-question advocate must thereafter file calendarmonth reports with the board of elections due no later than seven (7) daysafter the end of the month; provided, that in lieu of filing for the last fullcalendar month preceding the ballot question election, a report must be fileddue no later than seven (7) days before the election.
(c) A ballot-question advocate must file a final report ofcontributions received and expenditures made for ballot-question advocacy nolater than thirty (30) days after the election for the ballot question is heldsubject to the provisions of § 17-25.2-6. All reports filed with the boardof elections must be received no later than 4:00 p.m. on the due date.
(d) The board of elections may, for good cause shown and uponreceipt of a written or electronic request, grant a seven (7) day extension forfiling a report; provided, however, that the request must be received no laterthan the date and time upon which the report is due to be filed, and further ifthe election for the ballot question is to be held less than seven (7) daysfrom the report due date and time, the report must be filed prior to theelection date.
(2) Any ballot-question advocate required to file reportswith the board of elections pursuant to this section and who has not filed thereport by the required date and time, unless granted an extension by the board,shall be fined twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(3) The board of elections shall send a notice ofnoncompliance, by certified mail, to the ballot-question advocate who fails tofile the reports required by this section. A ballot-question advocate that hasbeen sent a notice of noncompliance and fails to file the required reportwithin seven (7) days of the receipt of the notice shall be fined two dollars($2.00) per day from the date of the receipt of the notice of noncomplianceuntil the day the report is received by the board of elections. Notwithstandingany of the provisions of this section, the board of election shall have theauthority to waive late filing fees for good cause shown.