§ 17-23-9 - Violations as to nomination papers or withdrawals Protection of party emblems.
SECTION 17-23-9
§ 17-23-9 Violations as to nominationpapers or withdrawals Protection of party emblems. Any person who falsely makes, or willfully defaces or destroys, any certificateof nomination or nomination paper, or any part of it, or any letter ofwithdrawal, or files any certificate of nomination or nomination paper orletter of withdrawal, knowing it or any part of it to be falsely made, orsuppresses any certificate of nomination or nomination paper or letter ofwithdrawal, or any part of it, which has been duly filed, and any person orpersons who prints, stamps, or affixes, or causes to be printed, stamped, oraffixed, upon any letterhead, circular, or pamphlet used for politicalpurposes, or upon political literature of any nature, a representation of thechosen emblem or device of any political party in this state without havingfirst obtained the consent, in writing, of the chairperson of the state centralcommittee of the political party whose chosen emblem or device is sought to beused for these purposes, shall be guilty of a felony.