§ 17-23-18 - Political advertising from official budgets prohibited.
SECTION 17-23-18
§ 17-23-18 Political advertising fromofficial budgets prohibited. (a) No elected official shall permit the expenditure of public funds from anyofficial budget under his or her authority for any publication, advertisement,broadcast, or telecast of his or her photograph, voice, or other likeness to bebroadcast or distributed to the public during the one hundred and twenty (120)days preceding any primary or general election in which he or she is acandidate.
(b) This section shall not be construed to prohibit anofficial from appearing on regular capitol television programming operated bythe general assembly or on television stations operated by the Rhode Islandpublic telecommunications authority during the period of time or programming ofregular or special meetings of city or town councils or any local governmentalboard, agency or other entity.